Announcement of the Japan 1EdTech (IMS) Association Digital Badge and Other Technical Standards Domestic Promotion Subcommittee (Digital Badge Subcommittee)
(1) Date and time: July 19th (Wed) 10:00-11:00
(2) Zoom URL:
(3) Content:
1) Appointment of a Chief Investigator/Assistant Chief Investigator: If we were to ask for anyone additional, would it be good to have someone else, and if possible, I would like to divide up the roles.
2) I would like to finalize the Digital Badge Subcommittee's business plan, especially the outline of the future schedule.
3) For the time being, we will be announcing the details of the first study group to be held around the end of July (currently being planned by each committee), followed by the details of the digital badge committee track at the EdTech Japan Conference from August 31st to September 2nd, as well as requests for lecturers. 5) We would also appreciate it if you could let us know about your recent activities.